About Us

Meet Your Farmers

Greetings from Sol Mountain Farm!

We are a team of three individuals who share a deep connection with the natural world around us.​

Our goal is to share that connection with our community in a variety of ways. This may be in the form of a pork share, a bag of fresh produce, a permaculture lecture, a farm tour, or a warm hug at our farmers' markets.

TEN (10)! years in, we are so proud to continue sharing our bounty of vegetables, pastured pork, local events, and permaculture design with our community. We are thrilled to watch the plants and systems thrive and grow, year after year.

We continuously strive to learn, grow, educate, inspire, and be inspired ourselves.

We want to push the boundaries on what it means to be a farmer.

Owner / Founder

Wes O'Rourke

Wes graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Construction Management and a minor in Global Environmental Sustainability.

He received a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) in 2013 and returned to his hometown to fulfill his dreams of starting an organic farm and homestead. He loves creating and designing sustainable landscapes based in the principles of permaculture.

When he's not on the farm, he enjoys rock climbing, surfing the Del Norte playwave, and laying down juicy carves on his snowboard.

Farm Manager

Isaac "Ike" Manobla

Ike graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism and a minor in Global Environmental Sustainability. He helped build the farm during its inception. After an adventurous couple of years working at a dog sledding outfitter in Breckenridge, he returned to the farm as the full-time farm manager.

He is certified in Permaculture Design, and brings his eye for art, community empowerment, and unique designs to his work at the farm and in creating beautiful landscapes in the region.

Ike enjoys mountain biking, skiing, bikepacking, and is internationally known for bike touring with farm animals! When he's not on his bike, you can find him making incredible art out of recycled materials and promoting local live music.

Operations Manager

Angela Lee

Angela graduated from New York University with a degree in Sociology and Philosophy. She received her J.D. at Temple Law School and also studied at the University of New Mexico Law School. She is a licensed Colorado attorney in Del Norte.

She enjoys infusing her Korean heritage to the farm - from fermented kimchis to fermented compost teas. She manages the farm's operations and systems, marketing, online presence, events coordination, and more.

Angela enjoys rock climbing, surfing, fishing, playing music, and making art.

Check out www.slvclimb.org to see the non-profit organization she founded with Wes for the SLV's rock climbing community and stewardship.